
Definitions :

  • The Publisher: The natural or legal person who publishes public communication online.
  • The Website: All websites, Internet pages and online services offered by the Publisher.
  • The User: The person using the Website and services.

Type of data collected

Within the context of using the Websites, the Publisher may collect the following categories of data about its Users:

  • Civil status, identity, identification etc.
  • Connection data (IP addresses, event logs etc.)
  • Location data (movement, GPS data, mobile phone etc.)

Aggregating data

Aggregating non-personal data

We may publish, disclose and use aggregated information (information about all of our Users or specific categories or groups of Users that we combine so that an individual User can no longer be identified or mentioned) and non-personal information for the purposes of analysing the sector and the market, demographic profiling, promotion and advertising and other commercial purposes.

Aggregating personal data available in the User’s social media accounts

If you connect your account to an account for a different service for cross-posting purposes, that service may send us your profile and connection data, as well as any other information whose disclosure you have authorised. We may aggregate information about all of our Users, groups and accounts with personal information available about the User.


How long cookies are stored

In accordance with the recommendations of the Belgian Data Protection Authority, the maximum period for keeping cookies is 13 months after they are first stored on the User’s device, the same as the validity of the User’s consent to the use of these cookies. The validity of the cookies is not extended every time the Website is visited. The User’s consent must therefore be renewed at the end of this time.

What cookies are for

Cookies can be used for statistical purposes, including in particular to optimise the services offered to the User, including processing information about access frequency and customising pages as well as what processes have been carried out and what information has been viewed.
Please be aware that the Publisher may install cookies on your device. The cookies store information about browsing (which pages you have viewed, the date and time you have viewed them etc.), which we will be able to see during your future visits.

Storing technical data

How long technical data is stored

Technical data is kept for as long as strictly necessary for the purposes described above.

How long personal and anonymised data is stored

Deletion of data once an account has been deleted

Data purging processes are in place in order to delete data once the storage or archiving period required for the purposes defined or imposed is over. In accordance with the French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on data processing, files and freedom, you also have the right to delete your data, which you can exercise at any time by contacting the Publisher.

Deletion of data after 3 years of inactivity

For security reasons, if you have not signed in to the Website for a period of three years, you will receive an email inviting you to sign in as soon as possible, to make sure your details are not removed from our databases.

Deletion of your account

Deletion of your account by request

The User can delete their Account at any time, just by asking the Publisher OR by using the Delete Account menu in the Account settings, as applicable.

Deletion of your account due to a breach of the T&C

If you breach any of the provisions of the T&C or any other document incorporated herein by reference, the Publisher reserves the right to terminate or restrict your use of and access to the services, your account and all the Websites, without any prior warning and at its discretion.

Instructions in the event of a security breach identified by the Publisher

Informing the User of a security breach

We undertake to take all appropriate technical and organisational measures to guarantee a suitable level of security in terms of the risks of accidental, unauthorised or illegal access, as well as the disclosure, alteration, loss or destruction of personal data relating to you. If we become aware of illegal access to personal data relating to you stored on our servers or those of our suppliers, or of unauthorised access resulting in the risks identified above, we undertake to:

  • Inform you of the incident as quickly as possible;
  • Examine the causes of the incident and inform you of them;
  • Take all reasonable measures needed to mitigate the negative and damaging effects that might result from the incident.

Limitation of liability

Under no circumstances will the undertakings defined above about informing you of a security breach imply any acknowledgement of fault or responsibility relating to the occurrence of the incident in question.

Changes to the T&C and confidentiality policy

In the event of changes to these T&C, undertaking not to reduce the level of confidentiality significantly without first informing the individuals involved.

We undertake to inform you of any significant changes to these T&C, and not to reduce the level of confidentiality for your data significantly without first informing you and obtaining your consent.

Please contact us to find out about and/or change information about you that we have collected

  • Contact : Jérôme Cornu
  • E-mail :
  • Name : e-Proteins srl
  • Headquarters : 2 rue des Praules 5030 Gembloux
  • VAT number : BE 0843 454 986


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